
We returned last week to revisit the treasure trove of graffiti in an a Illescas, Spain abandoned lot that we’d discovered by chance last year. In addition to discovering some pieces that weren’t visible to us then, we came upon some newer pieces, including the one featured above. Several more follow:

Pichação and more

Color amidst the ruins

Marian and more

Burning in Illescas

Raek and Soker

Oca Rubinho, Raek and more

Photos by Sara C. Mozeson and Lois Stavsky


While driving through the central Spanish city of Illescas, we came upon a huge abandoned property covered with a captivating array of graffiti art. Pictured above is one of the many handsomely crafted burners. Several more artworks in a range of styles follow:

Oca Rubinho

Unidentified artist

Unidentified artist

Another alluring burner

Varied bombs, tags & more

And on a different note — Jesús Moreno

Photos of artworks by Sara C Mozeson and Lois Stavsky