
Blurring the lines among abstract graffiti, pop art and fine art, Dorian Grey’s current exhibit, Flow, features the works of the legendary Bronx-based artist John Matos aka Crash and UK’s Remi Rough. Some of the works were painted individually; others were fashioned collaboratively. All are distinctly stylish. Here’s a sampling:

Remi Rough and Crash, Make her blue eyes blue

"Remi Rough and Crash"

Remi Rough, Never yours completely

"Remi Rough"

Crash, Fantastic


Remi Rough and Crash, Letter R reconstructed

"Remi Rough and Crash"

Remi Rough and Crash, Eye 03

"Remi Rough and Crash"

Remi Rough and Crash, Letter C reconstructed

"Remi Rough and Crash"

Flow continues through February 23, 2014 at Dorian Grey, 437 East 9th Street and Avenue A.


Photo of Make her blue eyes blue by Lois Stavsky; all others photos of artworks by Dani Reyes Mozeson