Out of Nowhere

"Prophet in the Desert"

A graffiti writer and b-boy back in the 70’s, California-based Doze Green crafts extraordinary artwork that exudes all the energy, exuberance and irreverence of the New York City streets that were once his.  Out of Nowhere, his current exhibit and fifth solo show at Jonathan LeVine, continues through Saturday at 557C West 23rd Street. Here are a few more images:

Set with Osirian Strap (Penis Envy)mixed media on canvas

"Set with Osirian Strap-On (Penis Envy)"

Napoleon Bonefart, mixed media on wood

"Napoleon Bonefart"

H Thrice, mixed-media on canvas

"H Thrice"

The Initiate, mixed media on canvas 

"The Initiate"

The Jonathan LeVine Gallery is open from 11am to 6pm.

Photos of images by Dani Reyes Mozeson; first image is Prophet in the Desert, mixed-media on canvas