NYC’s Expressive Doors, Part VI: Elbow Toe, RAE, Dain, Dee Dee, Kenny Scharf and Francisco de Pájaro aka Art Is Trash
July 15, 2016
This is the sixth in a series of occasional posts featuring images of New York City’s doors that sport everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images.
Elbow Toe


Dain, Dee Dee and more

Kenny Scharf

And seen awhile back, Art Is Trash

Photo credits: 1, 2 & 4 Tara Murray; 3 Dani Reyes Mozeson & 5 Lois Stavsky
Tagged as:
Art is Trash,
Brian Adam Douglas,
Dee Dee,
Elbow Toe,
Francisco de Pájaro,
Kenny Scharf,
street art
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